Sunday, May 21, 2006


October rains

In the space of one October week, I experienced weather conditions that would be considered strange elsewhere, the last of which was for me, the strangest. While walking in a 72 degree post rain sauna, the air was so damp my head became a ball of sweat, as if I had been exerting myself on a hot summer’s day. A couple of days later, I was drier walking in a drizzle! Then the flooding rains came. The official Central Park estimate was 13.25” in 8 days, but the bulk of this came in 4 days. When the clouds were clearing, intermittent raindrops of varying sizes continued to fall. Various thoughts came to me: The air was saturated and these were the drops that got crowded out on the way down. The air got so wet, it was, metaphorically speaking, ringing itself out. Or it was an upside-down bottle effect. On the first ‘dry’ day, it was sunny and warm. But if you looked into a shaft of sunlight at about 9am, you could see what looked like a torrential fine mist of drizzle, most of which evaporated before it reached ground level, so that even if you held your hand out, it would remain dry. I believe 2 or 3 drops did land on me, but they were dry.

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