This morning, just before the slow moving and overly stuffy subway train I was on reached the Manhattan Bridge, there was a slight lurch as the train ground to a halt. The guard could be heard informing the driver that a woman had passed out and someone had pulled the emergency lever. It was at least 3 minutes before the driver quite understood this message and about another 10 before the train was fit to move again, at which point we were informed that the next 2 stops would be skipped.
I know that someone there had good intentions, but it is a pity that they were also either dumb or bad in a crisis. If a person passes out, they need medical assistance. Logically, that is rather more likely to be available in a subway station than in an underground tunnel. I’m so happy the situation wasn’t serious. Had it been a Heart Attack, good intentions, divorced from proper thought processes, could have killed!
# posted by EnglishmanInNY @ 1:13 PM