Friday, August 18, 2006



I just saw a commercial for an ‘amazing’ new product, for people who have considered liposuction and are willing to be parted from large amounts of their cash – the product is proudly claimed to be expensive, but worth it. I won’t bore you with the predictable claims made by the so sincere and knowledgeable cut priced actress who was transfixed to the teleprompter. What I found amazing is that this capsule was discovered by scientists. That should have made every newspaper, news broadcast and medical journal and many websites. That is just so huge! Scientists discovered a capsule!! I had no idea that capsules were naturally occurring phenomena! I feel so stupid!

Viagra Online
Dr. D-Flat,

Thanks for your lengthy response. However, you entirely miss the point! The commercial claims that scientists descovered a capsule - not the medication within the capsule. Capsules themselves are manufactured, not dug up from the ground! The commercial was entirely ridiculous and presented false 'facts'. This posting was me being extremely sarcastic. This is my sense of humour! You will find other examples sprinkled through thi blog. Please don't take them seriously!
Their ad impressed me. I never knew body fat grew on the midsection "on top of the muscle, underneath the skin" Since I have been struggling so hard to lose weight that I have almost fell off the sofa on several occasions, I too had "given up hope to lose weight". I needed the reassurance that "it's not your fault". After all "over the years it get's worse" With fat also stacking up between my ears I called immediately. The spokeslady's concerned sincereity was the clencher.
Their new add insinuates that you get a 30 day supply for $29.95. When I call to talk to them about it they say it only says a 30 day trial period. I rechecked and they are right. What they give you is 30 tablets and the directions are to take 1-2 tablets before each meal. That comes out to 6 tablets a day or 180 tablets a month.
Now here the catch; and there are two. First one is in the guarantee. It says you can return the bottles before 30 days for a refund; even if both bottles are empty. If one bottle is supposed to last a month how can they both be empty after 30 days when they are supposed to last for 60 days. They even try to scam you by putting you on a monthly auto billing of another bottle at a charge of $39.95 and I'm sure S & H on top.
Oh I forget the false advertising of tagging another $1 on the $29.95 for a fuel charge when the add clearly states that you will only be charged $29.95.
When you try to order Lypozene, they mention that you get a free bottle for another 30 supply, which again insinuates the 30 tablets is good for a month.
My final answer is; where is the government stepping in and going after these scam artists. Is this not the purpose of government, instead of them only being there to violate our rights. Seems the government only endorses and encourages illegal, immoral and fraudulent business. It's about time the people of this country wake up and stop this abuse.
Thanks for your comment, anon. The ad has changed since I posted this blog entry. They used to boast that their product is expensive, but works, so if you are serious about losing weight and all else has failed, you should try their product. I suppose this didn't achieve the desired results, as they now have this 'special offer'.

You will notice that in small writing at the bottom of the screen, the results they actually claim are 3.6lbs average after 8 weeks. Naturally, although they tell you that you can achieve results without diet and exercise, the recommendation is that you combine these with the pills.

And just to clarify, the '30-day' supply they send you is actually 30 tablets, not 180. If they really tell you to take 6 a day, your monthly bill will be very high for a small result.

You are absolutely right that con artists like these should face legal challenge. But as long as enough people are desperate enough to lose weight or make money, scammers like these people and Crazy Fox will continue to be there to unload their wallets of as much money as people are willing to be parted with - and the government will do nothing about it!
Thanks for your comment, anon. The ad has changed since I posted this blog entry. They used to boast that their product is expensive, but works, so if you are serious about losing weight and all else has failed, you should try their product. I suppose this didn't achieve the desired results, as they now have this 'special offer'.

You will notice that in small writing at the bottom of the screen, the results they actually claim are 3.6lbs average after 8 weeks. Naturally, although they tell you that you can achieve results without diet and exercise, the recommendation is that you combine these with the pills.

I just looked at the website, which is confusing. They show bottles with 30 tablets, but mention that if you take 6 tablets a day, a 60 count container will last you 10 days. Hmmm! Perhaps that is only the first month, when you buy one and get one free. Based upon the above comment suggesting that the price after the first order is $39.95 per bottle, plus shipping, the maximum dosage also known as the recommended dosage, would run you either $120 or $240 per month plus shipping. People, please! Spend the money of a gym membership and personal training sessions or a dietician before you spend this much money on chemicals.

You are absolutely right that con artists like these should face legal challenge. But as long as enough people are desperate enough to lose weight or make money, scammers like these people and Crazy Fox will continue to be there to unload their wallets of as much money as people are willing to be parted with - and the government will do nothing about it!
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