Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Food for thought....
A person puts their shoes on the seat next to them on the bus or subway. This person has walked in the dirty streets where dog owners scoop up more tangible evidence of their pet’s doings. They have been in public lavatories, where careless and disgusting people have soiled the floor tiles. These germs are now transferred to the seat.
You sit on this seat. The germs are now on your pants, skirt or dress, or if you are a teen with a knee length shirt, the germs are on your shirt.
You go home and sit on your couch….
You stretch out to relax and perhaps your head touches the couch.
(This progression falls down in cooler weather when coats are worn)
I ran the above scenario by my daughter, who offered another couple of thoughts:
You put on your night clothes.
You sit or stretch out on the couch.
You go to bed.
15th hand dog shit, urine and spit are now in your bed.
(This is not a problem is you sleep au naturale)
Pleasant dreams!
Is nothing safe?
Beat that!!:)
"You go to bed.
15th hand dog shit, urine and spit are now in your bed.
(This is not a problem is you sleep au naturale.
DAH!!!!! But then that 15th hand stuff would be all over your skin and in places I can't really mention here.
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