Monday, September 25, 2006


Were there always this many annoying commercials?

Cholest Off has a caption that people who take this product reduce their cholesterol between 4 and 24%. The voiceover claims the reduction is “up to 24%, on average”. Sorry folks, it is either ‘up to’ or an average. Somehow, misuse of the language pisses me off more than the shameless misrepresentation of ‘facts’.

There’s the home business commercial that has played a couple of times an hour for the last year. Several actors, doing the worst, most insincere impersonations of ‘real’ people, tell us of the huge amounts of money they make - 5, 7 and even $20k per month - doing almost nothing, while a caption informs us that these results are not typical!!! They stand in front of huge, expensive homes and nice cars. One guy loves his life style. He is holding a dry sponge and wearing spotless clothes, in front of his gleaming, freshly cleaned and apparently waxed car.

There’s the hair product “Gives the appearance of thicker hair.” Note, there is no claim of actual thicker hair. A caption in the smallest writing tells us: “Statements not verified”, as a series of actors tell us that their hair is real. About as convincing as a skinny model promoting a diet pill or a health club with only gorgeous women members..

And where do the “but wait! If you call now we’ll double your order” commercials get their ‘values’ from? “You get all this, a $120 value, for only $14.99!” Is anyone actually stupid enough to believe these claims?

And how does the guy in the 'Select Dental' commercial manage to speak while smiling that broadly and displaying his entire upper set of teeth?

And why does the Oxy Clean guy have to shout everything he says?

Last but not least, I am happy that the supplies finally appear to have run out for the most dreadfully acted commercial ever. An employee wants to quit his job to get rich, but he has no plan. The boss ‘interrupts’ his employee in mid sentence, a full second after the employee stops talking. Then on comes this self made millionaire, giving away his secrets. No bloody wonder he had to give them away. If he has such a poor grasp of advertising, who would actually pay? After a year of this nonsense, I thought the supplies would outlast me!

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