Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Five minutes in a life

It was January, and I had just got back from the gym – my first visit in at least 8 years. My cell phone chirped – I had a voicemail. It was Arline, a great friend from the early 80’s who I hadn’t seen for over 20 years. We had an interrupted conversation earlier in the day, catching up.

I called her back. As she picked up the phone, I sat down. I thought I was a couple of inches from the remote control, but the TV came on, much to my surprise. Arline found this amusing and pointed out that this indeed was a good reason for me to go to a gym – if I think I am a couple of inches from the remote and due to thigh-spread, I nevertheless catch the power button, perhaps this is a reminder that I am doing the right thing!

I told her about something that happened the previous day when I was watching something that I had recorded, with my son, Sean. During a commercial break, I was startled when the on-screen image suddenly markedly sped up. Sean had grabbed the remote and was fast-forwarding. Seeing my reaction, he laughed and said it was at moments like this that he understood where he got his scattiness.

Arline found this hilarious and said that I hadn’t changed a bit! I then said that I couldn’t have sat on the remote power button if I tried, and to prove my point, purposely sat on the handset, losing the picture. It took me a while to figure out how to get the picture back. All the while, Arline was laughing hysterically. Finally, I figured it out. And what should appear on the TV screen but Monty Python! Somehow appropriate, we agreed

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