Sunday, October 29, 2006


Is she or isn’t she?

The great public transportation dilemma: Who do you give your seat up to? When I was a small kid, I was taught to stand for most adults, but certainly for elderly, handicapped, and sick people, and of course, pregnant women. I come here and few people give up their seats for anyone except…. small kids!! The great majority of people who do give up their seats are women. I have never seen a teenager or young adult stand for anybody! I will stand, but not for kids beyond the toddler stage.

But what do we do about marginally pregnant women. Indeed, do we even know if they are marginally pregnant! I recall from some years ago, the reaction of a woman whose kid was 9 months old and who still carried around a fair amount of her pregnancy weight. A well meaning woman happily asked her when the baby was due. She took it as a real insult and was absolutely mortified! "I don't look pregnant, do I?" I lied! But the truth is, unless a woman carries in a certain way, it can be very difficult to tell at a glance whether she is a little overweight or a little pregnant! I have decided that I would far rather appear to be a selfish pig than a heartless shit! When in doubt, stay sat.

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