Thursday, October 26, 2006


U.F.F.O. (Unidentified Formerly Flying Object)

While on my way back to the office with my lunch (Grilled Chicken, Guacamole and Portobello Mushrooms on Sourdough. Yum!), I passed a man who was standing by a parked car: “I’ve never seen anything like this before!” I looked. It took me a moment to realise it was more than just a feather sticking out of the car grille. Talk about wrong place, wrong time! The guy took a picture with his phone. Good idea! I tried, but the camera on my phone is complete crap. While I was trying, a woman asked me what kind of bird it was. Predictably, my answer was “a dead one!” I went back to the office and asked Joe, who always carries his camera, if he’d like to go for a walk. Samir, another colleague, joined us. Not something you see every day… fortunately.

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Andy Dear, you know I love you and I adore your unusual sense of humor but this is, as you Limeys say, "over the top!" Poor bird. I do hope he's on to a better life. Your Susan
As the old joke goes: What was last thing that went through his mind? His arse!

If it's any consolation, I think it was all over rather quickly.
Whaaaaa.....? Said in my best cockney accent.If it was a he, I doubt the last thing in his mind was his backside ... assuming, of course, that he too was a victim of the male proclivity to think with one's frontal parts.

Even if it was over quickly, imagine the indignity of having one's corpse viewed and spread all over the blog universe!
If you think Human males are bad, good thing you're not a Monkey!
A monkey female or a monkey male? Really love, your attempts to eclipse my brilliance just pale by comparison and wither to dust. Surely you must know that, but thanks for giving it the (as we Yanks say) the good college try. Smoooooooooooooooooch. Susan
Andy Love, as I've included a link to this delightful (aside from the gruesome last entry) blog, I would appreciate it if you would add another blog entry so I don't have to subject myself or any of the visitors to my blog to this ghastly photo. I love you. Susan
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