Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Wow, man!

An article that appeared on CNN.COM last Friday was titled ‘Good news for aging hippies: Smoking pot may stave off Alzheimer's disease’. You might be able to find the article if you are interested. The part I had fun with was the following:

“Those afflicted with Alzheimer's suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills.”

Now as I see it, this kind of makes pot smoking Alzheimer’s training. As I read it, I wondered if Alzheimer’s is actually staved off, or just not quite noticed! In a brief conversation with colleagues, I suggested that it might be the equivalent of inert polio inoculating against real polio. My boss continued the line of thinking: “It’s a homeopathic remedy!” I like that!

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What happens when you forget where you stashed your pot? Or when you forget that you smoke it in the first place?
My Wife calls it getting stupid
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