Tuesday, November 21, 2006


First days in New York: January 1980 – Part 3

Arline is an American who had spent several years in Israel. Her best friend from school there, Susan, was also born here. Susan’s older sister, Carolyn was also back living in New York, and she and Arline had become good friends. Carolyn was looking to find an apartment, preferably sharing. While I was happy in my new surroundings and really liked my 3 new flat-mates, it was never meant to be anything more than a temporary solution and Frank knew that.

Arline invited Carolyn over a few days after I moved in and we really hit it off well. I confess I rather fell for her charming ditziness, but there would never be any romance. We went looking for a place the following weekend and really liked the first place we saw. It was a 5th floor walk-up (that would be 4th floor anywhere other than here!) on the Upper East Side – 514 E82nd Street, to be precise. A great little 2-bedroom place reminiscent of what you might find in Islington, for a mere $495 a month!!

Frank and Arline were around a lot. My friend Rob from Erie, PA moved into town a short while later and became the 5th permanent member of our crew. Gary, also from Erie, was at UPENN in Philadelphia. He and my best bud (also) Gary, a travel agent from England, were honorary members. I went from alone in the big bad City, to having an amazing social life and being surrounded by great friends, within 2 weeks. And it all started with a little sign on a notice board. Nearly 27 years on, I’m still good friends with 4 of the 6. Where are you Frank and Gary?!!!!

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