Sunday, November 05, 2006


Glad that’s behind me!

Because the PATH train changes route at the weekend so that you can’t get directly from Hoboken to the World Trade Center, when I go home from Susan’s place on a Sunday, I take the bus into Port Authority and then the subway back. This involves a short walk on 41st Street, between 8th Avenue and Broadway – I avoid 42nd whenever possible – too many damned tourists! On October 29th, the wind was mad. A fence around a building site partially blew over, knocking out the fire escape window on a minibus and blocking the sidewalk. I walked around the bus, and on reaching the pavement, was assaulted by dust being whipped up from multiple directions.

Three young ladies, mid-to-late teens, passed me as I was forced to walk backwards for a couple of steps. I wish the wind hadn’t whipped up when it did and am grateful that I hadn’t recently eaten. The one in the middle was a big girl. But she wasn’t going to let that stop her from wearing a fashion that flatters virtually nobody – very low-cut, hipster Jeans. There were several inches of bottom cleavage bulging out. Not a pretty sight! Just in case anyone should be offended by this, I should point out here that for me, even women who I might otherwise find attractive, just cannot pull off the butt cleavage thing. This fashion, which flattens and widens as it pushes the cheek flesh out, has a nasty habit of making all derrières look like they belong to labourers.

Thanks to Susan - she claims it to be an early Chanukah gift from Truman - I now have a digital camera to hopefully embellish some of my posts. Had I received this a week earlier, this is one image I would have spared you of. Pity I too wasn’t spared!

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Andy dear, who is Truman?
My apologies! He is mentioned elsewhere in the blog. Truman Capote is Susan's Pug. A real character! He does not, however, have independent wealth, so I believe the gift was from Susan, herself!
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