Thursday, February 22, 2007


Iran – A simple solution?

The problem: In order to keep up with growth in demand, running at 10% per annum as of 2002, Iran needs to increase its capacity to generate electricity. According to the Royal Academy of Engineers, when figuring in the cost of dealing with CO2 emissions, nuclear power is supposedly cheaper than any other.
On the other hand, we have the small matter of the leader of the country stating his preference that Israel be wiped off the map and vowing severe retribution against her allies. In my humble opinion, this gives the rest of the world some justifiable cause for concern.

My highly simplistic suggestion? We test the resolve and true aims of the Iranian leadership. We must offer to build power stations in Iran using sources which cannot be turned into the means for making weapons of mass destruction. I hope my cynicism regarding the chances that this offer will be accepted are ill-founded. If I am wrong, the crisis is over. Otherwise, it will be plain to see that the true aims of Ahmedinejad go beyond merely meeting the electricity needs of his country. At which point, the world has a choice. Do we wait for this madman to rain nuclear bombs on Israel and elsewhere, as he surely will do? Does the question need an answer?

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