Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The world at the edge of a precipice!
If this program isn’t stopped – preferably by peaceful means – Israel with all of its Jews, Muslims and Christians, its people on both sides of the divide (and those on the fence) who condone and condemn war, who strive for and shun peace, will be obliterated. How large must the writing on the wall be before it can be seen? How clear must it be before it is understood? Do not doubt this: The world is currently suffering its greatest threat since the Cuba Missile Crisis. The difference this time is that Ahmedinejad is not as mentally stable as Khrushchev. He does not suffer from the ‘weakness’ that might see him back down from a confrontation if his life or that of his people is threatened. He would probably rather die a martyr than live, even if he takes his entire nation and tens of millions of Arabs with him.
A word of caution for those who think that the world might just be a better place without a Middle East problem, or indeed, a Middle East: Nuclear fallout spreads. Sickness and death will not be limited to that region, even if the bombing is - though this is not certain. And if you, your family and friends do survive unscathed, this “I told you so” will ring far louder than any heard before the Second World War, as the devastation will be so very much greater. Iran must not be allowed to gain a nuclear capability. How will we look to future generations? Will we be noted as the one which turned a blind eye to unfolding events that could make the Holocaust a distant second in the list of man-made tragedies?