I always found it amusing that New York’s Irish Pubs consider Corned Beef and Cabbage to be a traditional Irish dish, thinking that Irish Corned Beef, much the same as English Corned Beef, comes out of a can, most often branded Fray Bentos, and is packed in Argentina (formerly in the town of Fray Bentos, Uraguay, I understand). This meat product has no resemblance to New York Corned Beef, and little resemblance to Beef! Whereas, it turns out, Corned Beef was written of as an ancient Irish delicacy, I saw this on not a single menu during the months I worked in Dublin, and the several Irishmen whom I work with, either have never heard of this dish, or had seen it over there, but as described by me, from a can. I have it on good authority that what is found over here is actually the Irish American equivalent of the Boiled Bacon and Cabbage favoured in Ireland itself.
Things you are unlikely to find in Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day: Green Soda Bread, Green Beer, Green Eggs and Ham, and ‘Irishman for a day’ themed badges (although I suppose they would largely be unnecessary!) that at least used to be so popular here. Not sure if they still are. I find the excess so obscene that I run home before the main madness begins. It is just an excuse to get loud, drunk and obnoxious.
# posted by EnglishmanInNY @ 9:38 PM