Monday, March 12, 2007


Scooter and the Veep: The story so far

Joe Wilson goes to Niger to investigate the validity of (forged) documents used by Cheney to help start a war. Cheney, the man with the ugliest mouth ever, (How does he make it go square and make his top lip quiver like that when he talks?! It’s like something from a cartoon!) doesn’t like this, and orders his aide, ‘Scooter’ Libby, to break the law and ‘out’ Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, a CIA spy. ‘If you hurt me, I’ll hurt you!’ Is that playground justice? You just know the man was a bully at school. Pity he never grew out of it!

In war, if a foot soldier follows orders and commits war crimes, who is really to blame? If the foot soldier goes about his business gleefully, he is certainly guilty. But never as much as the person who gives the orders. I hope this nasty Vice President, who is as ugly inside as out, gets his comeuppance. His lies have been the prime reason for over 600,000 deaths. And either Bush is guilty at least by association, or he is blind and stupid. Either way, not much of a leader of the free world!

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