Monday, April 23, 2007
False but clever advertising
Bifidobacterium animalis strain number DN 173 010, is one of many thousands of our bodies. Danone have registered it under the names of Bifidus Digestivum in the UK, Bifidus Regularis in the USA, Bifidobacterium Lactis in Canada, Bifidus Essensis in Germany and Austria, Bifidus Activo in Spain and Bifidus Imunitass in I know not where. As detailed in Wikepedia, “It is important to stress that these are not scientific names but trade names designed to sound and look like scientifically named organisms.” It goes on. I won’t. Except to say, don’t waste your money. Read this entry ( and some of the links at the bottom of the page. Danone aren’t actually lying, you understand. They’re just bullshitting the general public. Don’t buy their crap!