Sunday, April 29, 2007


More on Yahoo Spam

I had been aware of a huge sudden spurt in Spam mails, and 2 weeks ago, at 8:30am, I deleted the entire contents of my Spam directory. They have been coming in at over 400 per day since then. The current total is 6,425. I still get many from the future. It seems that on Monday, January 18th 2038 (*), many women will wish to meet me, and will be having a free trial. I will be 80 then! Maybe I age well?

On Wednesday, April 29th 2037, Google and Yahoo will respond to a job application I will make. This is not as nice as women wanting to meet me, as it tell me that I will still need to work then, even though I will be just shy of my 80th birthday. I don’t want to be one of those people who works until he dies! Perhaps I need a job in order to pay back the various loans that were approved the previous day (April 28th, 2037)? Also on April 28th, someone is querying my resume. Perhaps I ought to ask them to send it to me. It would be nice to know what my professional life will be like for the next 30 years. It will save me going on interviews for jobs I will not get - I could apply only for those that appear on my 2037 resume.

But going back another 3 days, I am offered some free tampons. Surely I don’t have a sex change operation!!! Will they be able to introduce reproductive systems into men in the next 30 years? Come to think of it, I’m beginning to suspect that these people can't see into the future after all!

* Have you ever heard of the 2038 bug? Is this why no emails come dated for beyond Jan 18th, 2038?

I have been writing this for about 10 minutes. I now have 6435 spam mails! I will update this when I have reached the full 30-day life of the folder. After that, Yahoo starts to cycle off the older mails.

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andrew, this is hilarious!
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