Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Proof (enough for me) that Ginkgo Biloba really works

I have been taking Ginkgo Biloba for a few years now, with some awareness of increased morning fuzziness if I don’t take it. This can be welcome on a lazy weekend day, but perhaps not so when I am trying to get myself together for work. For those who don’t know, it is supposed to improve memory – something I admit to needing help with, and I blame genetics rather than advancing years for this – by increasing blood flow to the brain.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to The Vitamin Shoppe to pick up some supplements. Ginkgo, which I had just taken my last of that morning, was on my list. But they didn’t have the one I like, so I thought I would go to a different store and pick some up. Each morning for the next week, I would look at the pills I had pre-sorted: C, E, Glucosamine & Chondroitin and Thyroxin, and couldn’t quite figure out why there seemed too few tablets in my hand. And each morning I would put my increased cobwebs down to different things - tiredness from my move; deeper sleep after getting my new mattress. It was only when I went to put the following (or the one after that) week’s rations together, that I realised what was missing.

The moral of the story, for me at least, is: You can run out of anything else and will probably remember to procure more. But NEVER run out of Ginkgo!

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