Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Naturally Baked

I bought a bag of 'Rold Gold, Classic Style Pretzel Rods'. It is a "Special Edition". On the bag, highlighted for our approval are the words "Naturally Baked". I called Frito-Lay and asked the very nice Customer Service rep, "what constitutes 'naturally baked' and does this mean your other pretzels are unnaturally baked?"

After the rep. had finished laughing, then apologising for doing so, she asked a senior for the answer. "It means that they are baked in an oven, as you would at home."

"That's good to know. But does this mean that the other (not special edition) pretzels you make are baked unnaturally? How do you bake something unnaturally? I actually find the term 'baked naturally' confusing!"

She was very nice and I wasn't trying to give her a hard time. Quite the contrary, I was hoping that she and my listening colleagues would laugh. I accepted the lame official response and wished her a nice day.

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