Friday, June 01, 2007


Scalping Laws

I have been reading that New York State is planning on abolishing the anti-Scalping laws. Fair enough. But while they are at it, they might consider providing some protection for music and sports fans.

On the day that Police tickets became available, I called. All had been sold out. To individuals? Not many, I don’t think! Where was it announced? The euphemistically named ‘Ticket Agencies’ snapped them all up and were immediately selling at premiums of 100+%. Dread to think what they’re asking now.

So, New York, by all means, allow individuals to sell their tickets at market price, but first make sure that individuals have a fair shout at buying tickets in the first place!! In England, shows like this often have a limit of 4 tickets per person. Not that the agencies can’t get a lot of tickets that way. But it would take them long enough that fans would actually stand a chance of paying face value for once.

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