Sunday, July 29, 2007


Bomb sniffing Dogs

All but one of the roads around the New York Stock Exchange have access controlled by large ramps. Don’t even try to drive there without good reason and presumably the right security pass! The one exception is coming up Broad Street. The road has been turned into an obstacle course and two pickup trucks are parked perhaps 20 yards from each other, blocking the road. When vehicles are allowed to pass, one of the trucks reverses and the vehicle passes through and stops. While enclosed between the two law enforcement trucks, the trunk or rear door is opened and one of these amazing animals walks all around the vehicle sniffing for bombs before the other truck moves, finally allowing passage.

I had imagined that these dogs were highly trained – almost a breed apart from their fellow canines. How unexpected it was then when I saw one of them lying on the ground scratching his ear and following that by licking his balls. The proletariat of dogs!

Somehow, that seems perfect for Wall Street though. Not suggesting for a moment that Floor Traders and Specialists lick their balls, but what they do share with these dogs is that each has a talent which cannot be taught and an awareness which must not falter for a moment, and neither has any airs or graces.

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