Friday, July 20, 2007
Paying the price for over-indulging kids
(* Don’t even get me started about these ‘experts’. For enough money, some will agree with and set out to ‘prove’ just about anything)
3 or 4 years ago, a teenager in London stole his father’s credit Card and took some friends to Spain for a few days. He then went to Birmingham, I believe it was, and embarked on a spending spree which stopped when he was arrested. He blamed it all on his father. To paraphrase: ‘If he had bought me what I asked for in the first place, I wouldn’t have had to steal his card’.
Also in England, kids with wealthy parents have pretty much ruined some areas. I drove buses through Southgate, North London; once a fine area. I’m sure their parents would tell me that they are good boys. I am telling you that they are barely even human! No respect for anyone or anything. They treat people with utter contempt; they vandalise buses. Their favourite way of spending Halloween is throwing eggs at bus windscreens early in the evening, then later attempting to throw lit fireworks on the buses, with no regard to the passengers on board. They have an insatiable need to prove that they are badder than bad and tougher than the real toughs. I used to call them the creatures of the night.
What is the common link? These kids were spoiled by lousy parent who think that the way to be a good Mum or Dad is to give their kids whatever they want. They do this in lieu of real parenting. And they create monsters.