Monday, July 09, 2007
A rant at bad driving and lack of enforcement.
Use cameras to catch them. Fine them and put points on their licenses.
And use the same cameras to catch the arseholes who speed up to go through red lights, even as pedestrians have stepped foot on the crossing. Two days ago, I saw someone on 86th Street speed up to cross 4th Avenue. He/she was heading towards a busy pedestrian area. A bus turning right from 4th Ave was blocking much of the intersection and this moron could not see if anyone was crossing, but nevertheless, without slowing down, he/she dodged between the jutting front of the bus and the car facing the other way, waiting at the stop line. Reckless driving. Depraved indifference to human life. That person should be behind bars.
Traffic is an unavoidable part of city living. Honking a horn does nothing to clear gridlock. It may give fellow drivers a headache. This is already illegal, but nobody ever gets penalised.
Fine them and put points on their licenses.
Tailgating is illegal and very dangerous – and rarely punished. The tailgater will not get anywhere faster and may directly or indirectly cause accidents. They may even kill people.
Fine them and put 6 points on their license. Ban them for a second offence. Jail them for a third. If they are responsible for road deaths, charge them with murder.
If people tailgate in poor conditions, haul them into the station without letting them finish their intended journey. Ban them from driving effective immediately. Charge them with reckless endangerment.
What is this ‘vehicular manslaughter’ bullshit when drunks kill people with their cars!!! Being drunk is not a valid excuse for committing murder. Getting behind the wheel of a car when double the legal alcohol limit should carry an attempted murder charge. Killing someone with that level of alcohol in the blood should be murder. It was premeditated. They knew before they got behind the wheel that diving drunk is dangerous and potentially fatal, so it cannot be manslaughter. And doing it with a vehicle should not lessen the sentence. The dead person is just as dead and their families will grieve no less if the murderer was wielding a car as opposed to a gun or knife.
Roads are dangerous, and fuck the civil libertarians who claim that cameras on the roads infringe upon our civil liberties. Who are they protecting? Certainly not pedestrians or good drivers! There aren’t enough cameras, so the roads are more dangerous than they should be. People get away with hit and run murders and behaviour which could kill. Time to crack down.
Read my full rant about bad drivers here
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