Sunday, July 01, 2007


Road sense

On my recent trip to Detroit, I saw several instances of ignorant car drivers tailgating other cars, a couple of morons endangering everyone else on the road darting between lanes recklessly. I also saw one thoughtless person in the middle lane of 3, refusing to switch lanes while a truck was behind him. This person should be aware that by law, he can use all three lanes but truck drivers can only use two. While he drives alongside the guy in the slow lane, effectively reducing the highway to a one lane road, this truck driver cannot overtake him. So if truck drivers sometimes seem to be bullies, this is the other side of the coin.

Further proof of the stupidity of some drivers: Tailgating trucks! OK idiots! If you can’t see the mirrors of the vehicle in front of you, the driver of that vehicle can’t see you. Duh!! At least if you tailgate me, I can see you. Sure I’ll brake and make things uncomfortable for you because, as I see it, you are nothing but a dickforbrains, and if you want to die on the road, there are plenty of trees you could wrap yourself around, so you should leave me out of your sick fantasy. But if the truck driver is forced to brake suddenly, you’ll go from living, breathing, arsehole to bug food faster than you can yell “Mom-meeeeee!!”

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