Monday, July 02, 2007


Show some respect!

Vladimir Putin was in the USA meeting the current and former President George Bush. Once again, the incumbent was altogether too touchy/feely. It really isn’t appropriate for him to wrap his arm around the shoulders of world leaders. That is a sign of ownership – establishing who is the top dog or alpha male - and, I’m sure, is not particularly appreciated by anyone he makes a point of doing it to when the cameras are on. In my opinion, it shows a distinct lack of class.

But what really got me yesterday was watching the news – CNN no less. Why do American news readers insist on calling Putin (note the middle letter) poo-in! * I’m insulted for the guy! If your name is spelled Crichton but you say cryton, or cry-an for that matter, that’s fine. If your name is spelled St. John and you prefer to say sinjon, who am I to judge? Well, publicly at least! But it is not for you to lose the ‘t’ in someone’s name. If they use it, you use it – at least if you are reading news. It’s simple respect - very easy to show and it goes a long way!

Question: Why, in New York at least, does Pitta Bread become peedah bread, but Putin become poo-in?

* How do you correctly write this sound? It is like a hard gap or hard nothing. Or like ‘uh?’ without the ‘u’ or the question mark. Cockneys have always used it, turning ‘little’ into li-ouw, for example or ‘party’ into pah-ee. For want of a better way of writing it, I insert the ‘-‘.

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