Monday, July 09, 2007


Square One

Some look for their own personal Valhalla; others the missing link, Mr. or Ms. Right or their keys. I am looking for Square One. It seems important. People frequently talk about going back there or are being advised to go back there. Did they know they were there when they were there? Does anyone know exactly where it is or what it looks like? Can we even be sure it really is a square!! It would really throw the cat among the pigeons if I found it and it turned out to be a circle. More likely, it changes shape and if you ‘went back’ there, it wouldn’t be the same as your earlier visit. I could have my own Wikipedia entry as the man who discovered that Square One was not in fact square! And even if it really is square, I could surely make money selling the directions: Head East along High Road; turn left at the Junction with Main Street; proceed 1.4 miles…. I would probably be more successful starting a new religion though. I show a bunch of rich kids who are looking for something but they don’t know what, how to reach the first square/circle/triangle or whatever, and they give me all of their money. Or perhaps I could bottle Square One Water with the slogan “It comes from where you came from”. The possibilities are endless!

My son seems to think that this entry will cause people to scratch their heads. As a disclaimer, I feel I must state I had no intention of causing allergic reactions in people’s scalps or brains and apologise if you suffered this reaction.

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