Monday, August 13, 2007


Potentially dangerous Junk Mail

I just got back from the gym and checked my email - 2 eluded my Spam blocker: ‘The shattered, trembling old man fell down on the stairs, imagining that Varenuk….’ and ‘this means that your application will need to display the cursor itself.’

I opened neither, being quite convinced that the fictionally named senders are trying to sell me ED medications. Although they could also contain Trojan viruses. And many of the web sites you will be directed to are designed simply to steal your credit card number.

If everyone automatically binned all unsolicited mail, the flow would ebb. Please! Please! If you have ever bought anything from these people, don’t do it again. You encourage them but they are the Internet equivalent of vermin. The more there is to eat, the faster they breed.

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