This conversation ensued from a discussion about Alan Greenspan not agreeing with George Bush’s tax cuts early in his presidency, in which middle and lower income earners got nothing and the wealthy were given huge breaks, because, as every Republican in denial knows, when you give money to the wealthy, they, in their ultimate kindness and generosity will see to it that everyone else gets some also. Trickle down economics: the fallacy which the wealthy continue to insist is good for the country, when in truth, all it really serves to do is further enrich them, as evidenced by how much more of the country’s wealth is now in the hands of the top few percent. It also denies that the real ‘engine-room’ for economic growth through the ages has come from small businesses and the ‘middle classes’ who spend a larger percentage of their disposable income on non-food/rent items.
Me: Money is the cocaine of the wealthy. Well okay, cocaine is also the cocaine of the wealthy.
J: Everyone likes money and wants more.
Me: But with some of the wealthy, it becomes an obsession. Once they have a lot, they can’t get enough.
J: But we are all capable of being that greedy.
Me: Kind of like a young man with lousy skin, a huge nose and bad breath could potentially be a sex addict, but he’ll never have the chance to find out!
J: Somehow, I suppose I encouraged that comment!
(Why does a picture of Charlie Brown thinking ‘good grief’ suddenly pop into my head?)
# posted by EnglishmanInNY @ 12:28 PM