Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Hybrid Humans and a laughably ridiculous quote:

A BBC article today began as follows: “Regulators have agreed in principle to allow human-animal embryos to be created and used for research.”

Scientists are thrilled: "It does seem a little abhorrent at first analysis...." You've got that right, my friend! "....but you have to understand we are using very, very little information from the cow in order to do this reprogramming idea." 'Reprogramming'. Orwell's Big Brother would cream his pants!

"It's not our intention to create any bizarre cow-human hybrid, we want to use those cells to understand how to make human stem cells better."

Que? Use Cow cells to understand Human cells? Might some people of the future start mooing in their sleep? Maybe we'll stop hearing about women who couldn't produce enough milk to breast feed their babies? And lactose intolerance could become a thing of the past. I sure as hell hope future generations don't start farting and belching 500 litres of methane daily! It's not only the environment that would have a problem with that! But this research has to be OK, because the scientists tell us it is and we trust them. Right?

OK. I agree with embryonic stem cell research, but do not eat or agree with genetically modified food, which scientists also insist is safe. Anchovies spliced into corn? I don’t think so! Indeed, scientists scare the living daylights out of me, with their studies which find what they are looking for and their man-made live virus food sprays (correctly called phages); truly the scariest thing I have read all year.

But the following statement, by a spokesperson for the group Comment on Reproductive Ethics does the antis no good whatsoever:

"Using hybrid embryos has never been acceptable - it offends the dignity of humans and animals."

It offends the dignity of animals? What? What!!! What a mind-bogglingly stupid thing to say!!! I can absolutely assure you that Susan’s lovely, weird Pug, Truman Capote, is not offended by this. And if he were, it would be nothing you couldn’t correct with a piece of cheese, some beef jerky, fajitas, pretzels, rice cake, apple, pomegranate, cereal, yoghurt, ice cream…. You get the idea!

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On the contrary, I do believe that TC wouldn't mind if he was a hybrid with a cow ... he'd have a much bigger stomach and would therefore be able to eat even more food!
I believe you are correct. Think of all the grass he could graze on inn the park!
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