For the last couple of months or so, a constantly running ad had has a cartoon fox claiming that you’d have to be “crazy like a fox” to start your own home based business. 'He' is supported by the obligatory bad actor claiming to have made over a hundred thousand last year and the equally obligatory bobbing-head blonde who put a down payment on a holiday home by working part time. She made FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS yesterday. (Paraphrase of the bottom of the screen small print: 'Results are for illustration only and cannot be guaranteed'. For this, read: 'this commercial is a bald faced lie')
OK. Either, the owners of this crazyfox enterprise are keen to make a tax loss, or there are enough greedy, stupid people in this world to warm the heart of con merchants everywhere. They will get what they deserve. The question is, will they learn?
# posted by EnglishmanInNY @ 11:16 PM