The United States ‘Permanent Resident Card’, commonly known as the Green Card, was, until quite recently called the ‘Resident Alien’ card. I always found this highly amusing. Being that 29 of the 30 teams eligible to win the Baseball ‘World Series’ are from the USA, me being an alien seemed confirmation that some people here, apparently the government included, think of America as the world. By definition, therefore, other countries are not of this Earth, so yes, as a Brit, I must surely be an alien.
When my niece Rebecca was about 6 years old, I told her that I was an alien and at first, she didn’t believe me! But when I showed her my card she did believe me. I was told that a few weeks later, she was walking with a couple of her friends, and she said: “Do you believe in aliens? Well I do and I know they exist, because my Uncle’s one!” Apparently, she was very proud when telling her friends this. So cute!
# posted by EnglishmanInNY @ 4:00 PM