Sunday, November 25, 2007
Deepak Chopra: Iconoclasts
Chopra states “each morning when I wake up, I pray that the day before me will be more uncertain than yesterday.” Now, I don’t doubt the guy’s intelligence, and based upon the number of books he has written and the number of people who fawn on his every word, he must say some things that are more sensible than this, because let’s face it, that statement is just smug bullshit! I can just see people who think they are deep nodding seriously as he imparts this particular ‘wisdom’. I would caution them that if something would sound ridiculous if spoken by John Q Public, then it is also ridiculous coming from Deepak Chopra.
Needless to say, if this was the highpoint of the program and this program was the highpoint of the series, I found something else to do with my time.