Sunday, November 18, 2007
Lou Dobbs is an ass/Shame on CNN
Of course, anyone who isn’t right wing knows that Bill O’Reilly is a nasty horrible man who is as full of shit as he is of hate. They know he is on a biased ‘news’ channel which used to advertise with the slogan “we report, you decide”, but only rabid right wingers believe that lie. The people who watch this are just looking to have their already held beliefs reinforced. For me, this makes Lou Dobbs more dangerous. The channel he is on is supposed to be balanced. Many people certainly believe it to be.
Here’s a little news for those of you who think the illegal alien situation is easy to solve. It isn’t! And the main effect of the constant barrage coming from a trusted news source is that bigots feel license to spout their vitriol and some people without strong opinions are allowing their opinions to be formed for them, so hatred is increasing. Hatred is a negative emotion. Nothing good and lasting ever came out of negative emotions.
So I ask those without firmly held beliefs on this or any other subject to surf the web. Think for yourselves. Do not let Lou Dobbs tell you the absolute truth. He no more knows everything than you or I. He is a narcissist. If he knows so much and is so right about everything that he can belittle politicians so derisively, let him run for an office. How would he bear up under close scrutiny and attacks from opponents and reporters?