Saturday, November 24, 2007


Toilet acoustics

How many times have you sat on a toilet bowl in a public loo and the first (and maybe the second, third, fourth and fifth) thing that issues from you is a loud fart? Embarrassing, isn’t it? You try clenching your cheeks to lessen the chances of a follow-up. You try not pushing quite so hard. You probably don’t emerge from the cubicle until you are confident that anyone who might have heard you has left the room.

But have you ever thought about the unfortunate acoustic qualities of toilet bowls? That fart, which so embarrassed you, likely had its volume doubled. I hesitate to suggest that there ought to be sound dampeners in toilets, as damp and fart don’t sit comfortably in the same sentence. But might there be some material out there which would halve, instead of doubling the decibels of unfortunately timed audio emanations?

Could make for some interesting advertising campaigns!

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