I am so happy that most of my work for my current project can now be done from home, I have just one more scheduled day when I must go to East Brunswick. If I had a car, I could probably do the round trip commute in about 2 hours, but by subway and bus, it has been rather more than double that! Dreadul!
In my 11 days doing this commute so far, I have had 2 single journeys home in excess of 3 hours. The morning is usually OK - a mere 2 hours, although one day trains were held up due to a sick passenger and another day, due to a sick train.
I actually got very lucky last Thursday. It had snowed a little in New York and it was a ‘gridlock alert’ day. There are a lot of these before the holiday. My journey was actually breaking all records until we arrived at the mouth of the Lincoln Tunnel. From there, it slowed to a crawl. The road between the New York end of the tunnel and the Port Authority bus station was closed and buses had to head downtown. At 34th and 10th, the driver said he was giving passengers one chance to get off the bus – and I took it. The roads were so badly jammed and he was going to have to go a long way downtown before he could head back to 41st Street. I doubt it would have been less than another hour! Had I not left work an hour early, I would have been stuck for a very long time.
As for East Brunswick itself, I’m sure residents of the town will say it is far nicer than the picture I have posted. But this is the view from the 22nd floor of 1 Tower Center. The beauty just makes you want to weep, doesn’t it?
# posted by EnglishmanInNY @ 10:59 PM