Friday, January 11, 2008


Anyone doubting the economic jitters, read on….

My East Brunswick assignment ended last Friday. It’s a good thing for me that the lines of communication at my employer’s head office somehow didn’t work. I got a call this morning that as my assignment was ending (they were a week late) and they don’t see much new business coming their way in the next 3 months, they put me on 2 weeks notice. I was told that they would call me if things change.

What I ascertained last week, was that even though they are negotiating with many companies for new contracts, the sub-prime credit crisis and fears of recession have caused companies to be reticent about signing on the dotted line for premium services. And the company is nothing, if not expensive!

This is a huge change in the market. The company was bought by EMC a few short months ago, and all were full of enthusiasm for prospects of a great future.

So where does that leave me? Certainly 2 weeks away from not getting paid. And I must be open to taking jobs outside of this area. I really don’t want to move again, but more than that, I don’t want to be out of work for any amount of time. I couldn’t afford to be!

It may not be all bad though. I posted my resume at lunchtime and within hours, I have been presented at one company in Chicago and another right here. I also received communication from a third head-hunter but was too late to get back to him. Maybe, just maybe, there are jobs out there. I will certainly post again when I get something. I have put out feelers in London and Amsterdam. I had hoped my travelling days were behind me, but flexibility may just be the key right now.

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Andy, I'm cheering you on in your job search! I also want to let you know how sad I am about your Aunt. I'm sure your cousins are devastated. You are a good soul and deserve the best. Susan
Thanks Susan. My Aunt dying was unexpected, so soon, and certainly surreal because of her not truly having been herself or properly alive for a couple of years. It took a while to fully realise what had happened.

My job search is showing interesting early life. I hope I won't be out for too long.
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