Monday, January 28, 2008


Ted Kennedy endorses Barack Obama. Oh, dear!

I was dismayed to see this item on the news today. I immediately wrote a letter and sent it via Senator Kennedy’s website. I certainly hope this endorsement makes no difference to the final outcome. I actually think that if the election ends up being between McCain and Obama, I would have to work for the Republican. Even I wouldn’t have imagined that possible, but I would rather a Republican President who understands what war is, over a Democratic President whose bluster could doom the world the worst war ever. Honestly! The Allied invasion of Iraq has been the spur for a huge increase in Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Western hatred. It will be nothing in comparison to the bombing of Pakistan. NOTHING!

When writing the letter, I hadn’t even considered what would happen in my home country. There are already a lot of highly disenfranchised Muslim youth in Britain, France and Germany and that situation would be certain to worsen horribly. And what of countries that are majority Muslim and have growing numbers of radicalised youth? Might any of those be primed for a change at the helm? All we need is for someone who feels that he has to prove to Americans that having a Muslim father will not make him weak in his dealings with Islamic nations and who might over-compensate to make his point. I am genuinely scared.

Anyway, here is my letter:

Dear Senator Kennedy,

I am a British citizen and long time resident of the United States. I have always had the greatest respect for the great Kennedy name. Watching TV today, I was flabbergasted that you and other family members have endorsed Senator Obama for President. To be sure, there are things about this man that are very exciting. He would probably do wonderful things for race relations in this country. He is a superb and inspirational speaker. But all of that counts for naught because of one of his statements.

The most horrifically scary thing I have ever heard a Presidential candidate say, was Obama’s statement last August: “If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will." It was pandering to an element in this country who might be expected to vote Republican. The do now, think later set who speak with bluster but no brains about striking enemies.

If this were to happen, inevitably, both of my children would need to be drafted. India would be attacked so Britain would need to join in a war. Fundamentalists would cause chaos in Pakistan and almost certainly get hold of nuclear weapons, even if they didn’t take over that country. These weapons would be used. The result would make Afghanistan look like Disneyland. And yet you support this man! Am I being politically naïve in an American sense, to hope that you of all people would not support a man who would take the world into a cataclysmic nuclear war?

Certainly, Obama is the most charismatic candidate. He is also easily the most terrifying. And I can pretty much predict that Republicans will not be so forgiving of such a statement. He is the least electable of the 3 Democratic candidates because whereas this is the worst thing he has said, it is not the only stupid thing he has said. And all of his words will be used against him in a General Election. By all means, don’t support Senator Clinton. But there is a third candidate. One who is surely the most electable. Senator Edwards. I urge you to rethink your endorsement. Please!

With kind regards and great concern,

Andy Capaloff

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