Thursday, February 07, 2008
Bill Clinton is not a racist!
I was watching The Situation Room on CNN and was angered when Wolf Blitzer stated matter-of-factly that he doesn’t know if Obama could appear on a Clinton ticket in the General Election, in the light of what Bill Clinton said after Obama’s primary victory in South Carolina. Anyone who has read my views on this will not need me to repeat them. What alarms me here is that the press, which generally hates the Clintons, is the driving force in this demonisation of President Clinton. It so believes it’s own propaganda, that it now states the problem it created as if it is accepted fact.
For me, any white people who believe that shit are either gullible or suffering from an acute dose of Liberal White Guilt, which in itself is insipid racism., I wonder how many Black people believe that the man who was called the first Black President is now a racist. And of those, did they come to this conclusion themselves or was it only after the press blitz informing them that this is the case!