Monday, February 18, 2008


Single and for now, happy about it

Not wanting to brood about a second break up with Susan, I got back onto an Internet dating site within a couple of months of last seeing her, but this medium is quite unsatisfying, as it is largely a glossy advertisement for people which is as false as the claims by those advertising products. So if you are honest, you don’t get too many responses. And most of the women who can see through the crap are people who I could appreciate as a friend only. There is a certain type of energy that I look for that they don’t seem to have.

I had two dates with a very nice woman who then got deep into her work and we hardly emailed and never spoke. Not exactly a start to a relationship! And I mostly lost the impetus to find anyone else.

Losing my job took away any thoughts I’d had about meeting anyone new, so I removed my profile. And for now, I don’t feel that I need to do it all over again. I will be dividing my time between two cities and trying to have fun in both. And should a new friendship take on the promise of more, I will go for it, as ever, even if perhaps treading a little lightly at first.

The truth is, whereas I will never date Susan again, there are times that I do miss her. I have been sent emails with cute animal pictures and she was the first person I wanted to forward them to! And for all of the compelling reasons why I must never date her again, we had good times which I will always remember fondly. I had thought that even before discovering today that she has apparently become involved with someone new. I wish her well in that, as she is a good person who deserves happiness.

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