Tuesday, March 18, 2008


9 months of milestones + party report and other news

June 3rd of last year would have been my father’s 80th birthday.
June 10th was my 50th.
December 12th was Hannah’s 18th.
March 15th was Sean’s 21st
March 16th was my cousin Lorraine’s 50th.

I had hoped to post a picture or two from my little gathering on Saturday, but I had a problem with my camera. It was in Boston. Should the question occur to anyone as to what it was doing in Boston, I would have to say, at an educated guess, really very little.

The party was nice. There were a few different people to the last one. In fact, only myself, my kids, Adrian, their mom, and my good friend Rawle were at the last one. Each of my 3 wing dings has had a different character, the only constants in all 3 being me and my kids and that each was fun.

I suppose I’ll do it all again when my mother comes in October. The way things are trending, I will be back in New York by then. I had a call a few days ago about a possible permanent job in New York City. Got another today, although he NY role quickly became a Stamford position, but although I love that part of California and it would be a great second best to be close to my family out there, I really want my next job to be where my apartment and my life are. Also, as lovely as Boston is, it isn’t about to become home.

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