Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ab Rocket
I decided to look at their website. The picture to the left is their print ad. There are some things that just don’t add up. You cannot get any details on the 30 day money back guarantee. You have a choice of 1 payment of $99.99 or “3 payments of $33.33 in 30 days.” Forgive my pickiness, it doesn’t say 3 monthly payments, it simply says in 30 days, you make 3 payments. Hmmm. Most curious!
The website offers potential customers no way of finding out about the money back guarantee. I presume that you get back all except $14.95 if you paid in full, or if you opted for the 3 payment scheme, you just get hit up for the $14.95. Plus, of course, it will be up to you to get the package back to the seller at your expense and in working order. The ‘testimonials’ are so very obviously fake, you would have to be a fool to believe them! I suggest to those who are tempted to spend the money that the subterfuge is for a reason.
My attention also focused on another thing: Just below the Ab Rocket logo, is another bubble which proclaims this a $50 value. If it is a $50 value, why are they charging a penny shy of a hundred!
Potential buyers beware!