Sunday, March 02, 2008


First week in Boston – Writing

The bathroom saga hasn’t been the only problem to plague Robyn’s house. Her Internet cut out on Tuesday evening and as of Thursday, even though she spent some while on the phone with various Comcast technicians, the problems had not been resolved. I was actually able o locate a weak signal from a nearby unprotected network on Thursday, so wasn’t entirely cut off that day. I can only hope that it has been corrected by now. My one day without Internet, and two with limited access, had me writing a piece that had been much on my mind in recent weeks.

Sometimes, I think with my fingers; by which I mean that I have thoughts in my head, but typing them helps focus them and can bring out things I didn’t know were there. Ultimately, it brings various thoughts together far more coherently. I had to write about my still recent break-up. To say I am ambivalent only starts to do justice to the mixed feelings I have had both before and since finding out that my ex has a new boyfriend. Writing it was a good exercise, as I feel far more resolved for seeing all of my feelings in one place as opposed to thinking different things at different times. That is all I will say here.

What I found when I was writing this, was that I was anxious to get back to it when I was forced to break off for trivial things like sleep and work. And I now see that I can make something very good come of my exile from New York and living in a shared house. I have had an outline for a book in my head for some years now. I am going to set about writing down this outline. The project of turning it from an outline to a book will be huge and I am not yet convinced that I have the discipline I will need to devote evenings to this project for perhaps two years. The subject matter will require some research. As well as making a complex plot actually read believably, I need to convince myself that I can make the style I want to write it in actually work. It is ambitious, to say the least. It certainly isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that this is the last I will ever write of my plan. But I am suddenly bitten by the writing bug, and must seize both the mood and opportunity to give it a shot.

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Oh Andy, I don't have a new boyfriend. Thought I had a good friend with some potential ... didn't want that ... turns out he's seriouosly mentally ill and I may have a stalker on my hands. Wish I could go hide under a rock for a month or so. Glad to hear you are writing though!!!!!
Sorry to hear you have a nasty situation. I hope he gets the picture soon and does the right thing.

As for my presumption, I doubt that the wording of your entry was understood any differently by anyone who read it.
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