Saturday, March 15, 2008


Three weeks in Boston

When I took this contract, I was told it was for 3-6 months. That position was clarified on Thursday. I had thought it was strictly to do with the amount of work to be done, but as I’m getting into it, I can see I could keep going for a year – and that isn’t really an option, either for me, because it would basically mean I might as well move, or for the company due to budget concerns. Well, as I found out on Thursday, the initial term of 3 months will probably be extended, but that decision cannot be made for another few weeks. The manager would certainly want to keep me, but the ultimate decision will not be hers. I still feel it will go beyond 3 months though, as they were looking for something to do my job for quite some time, so nobody doubts the importance of it. It would be illogical for the bosses to cut me off so early in the process. But then again, bosses don’t always make logical decisions!

The people at Starpoint are convinced they can get me something in Boston for when this job is done. For me, it would be a backup plan, just as this was. Unless, as I joked with them, they found me a good woman in town!

Much more interesting was a call I received this week which could result in an employee job in the coming months for a company here in New York. They may not want me, of course, but the agent seems to think I am exactly what they are looking for. No way would I leave where I am now within 3 months, as the job does wonders for my resume and anyway, Starpoint have got me two jobs to date and maybe they’ll find me a third some time, so I will only do the right thing by all parties. I just feel that if I cannot be guaranteed time beyond an initial 3 months, then I am entitled to take something else then if I give them fair notice.

I am looking for another room as I’m not overly comfortable in my current situation. Robyn is a nice person and may just read this blog, so I’ll not go into details. North Quincy is closed when I get back from the office. There are a couple of food places and a choice of more, plus two supermarkets, if I walk 15 minutes, but the streets are dead. I have no problem with living on a quiet street, but I want to be able to walk to where there are people and there is some sign of life. I don’t like working, then going home and feeling that whether I want it to be so or not, the evening is done. I’m told I’d like Cambridge, so that is my main point of focus.

As I write this, I am waiting for Fresh Direct to deliver the food I will be preparing for Sean’s 21st birthday party. Although it is after noon, it is no surprise to me, nor should it be to anyone else who knows him, that he is still sound asleep.

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