Thursday, April 24, 2008


Finishing in Boston soon

When I started in my current job, I was told it was for 3-6 months and thought the actual duration would be based upon necessary work. But economic realities, especially during bad times – and these are undoubtedly bad times in the Financial Sector among others – often overcome needs when the money people sit down to determine where necessary cuts should be made. There are lots of needs, let’s face it!

So whereas my truly essential work is about 3 months from completion, I was told this week that my last day will probably be May 16th. There is a slim chance that I will be told something different early next week, but budgets need to be trimmed and consultants are pretty much always the first to go. I have been the victim as consultant and the spared as employee, so this isn’t a shock. But having just come back from a trip to Pittsburgh to finally meet the people I am doing the bulk of my work for, the timing most definitely caught me by surprise.

So I am back up on, my favourite job search site, and I have contacted people in New York, Boston, San Francisco, London and Amsterdam. Hmmm, perhaps Dublin wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Last time the job market was this bad, it was about the only place that there were still jobs. And I have thought about it a few times of late, rather wishing I could at least visit there again. It’s one of those places that gets inside of you. That is probably it’s only similarity to New York and Amsterdam other than that everyone in all three places speaks English! I exclude London from that, because even though I think it does have that quality, I am from there and have close family there, so my reasons for wanting to go back are different.

I digress! This job has been wonderful for me financially, but it will have only lasted 12 weeks by May 16th, so even though I will not immediately be destitute, I certainly can’t afford a prolonged time out of work. Perhaps and hopefully, my willingness to travel for now, at least, will mean that I have little to no time off. I will travel almost anywhere, but I do yearn for home.

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