Saturday, April 12, 2008
A walk through the other Cambridge: Massachusetts
The next couple of days warmed slightly, so that on Wednesday, it was in the low 50s. Thursday was glorious! Over 70 degrees with clear skies. I went for the half mile walk to the Haahba – that’s Bostonian for Harbour, although I suspect their should be more a’s – at lunchtime. I would have taken pictures, but the sun was too low and bright.
After work, I went on a solo walk through the area around Harvard Square. For those of you who don’t know, Harvard University is in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just across the Charles River from Boston. The area is lovely and full of life. I have become used to the energy and vibrancy of early Spring in New York and just couldn’t go straight home on such an amazing day. No, Harvard Square is not Greenwich Village or the Lower East Side, but there are people out on the street and it is very interesting and very nice to walk around.
I started by turning away from the river. There is a graveyard that dates back to the 1630s. I would have loved to have been able to walk in it, but unsurprisingly, it was closed to the public. Unfortunately, I couldn’t capture the worn gravestone wording from my vantage point, but the stones typically begin with ‘here lyes….’
Next week I will be at the Mellon Center in Pittsburgh – on the 54th floor! The City is very hilly and built by three rivers, so I really hope to have some good shots to post here.