On Thursday I met Heidi for the second time. She was one of two women I have met from the ad I placed in the Platonic Only section of Craig’s List. We had dinner in a bar near where I work - finally, in my 9th week in town, I went to a Boston bar for the first time - and we then went on to see an off off off off-Broadway play called QED, based upon the life of Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman at the Broad Institute on the campus of MIT. For me, that area looks as if it was designed by MIT scientists as opposed to architects. It is a rather cold and soulless place. There is this rather interesting looking building which apparently leaks. I wrote down the name but can’t find what I wrote it on.
Anyway, Feynman was a very interesting man and the play was most enjoyable. I really had a great evening. Thoroughly enjoyed the time with Heidi who I will not see in the next two weeks. I have friends in many places, and now I feel that I have at least one in Boston. If nothing else comes from my time there, it has been time well spent.
# posted by EnglishmanInNY @ 11:08 PM