Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Things that piss me off

Got a few minutes? :)

“Please listen carefully as we have changed our menu options”

Endless menus to select from when using automated calling systems, including repetition of items from the previous menu

Voice recognition systems that don’t recognise voices

Inability to reach a Human Being for assistance when calling Customer Service

People crossing my path directly in front of me when there was 10 times as much space behind me

People who walk into my path and then stop

Drivers who pull in front of me then slow down

People who don’t allow enough of a gap for those exiting trains and are impatient to get on. These people are idiots. If they hadn’t stemmed the flow of those alighting, they would have got on sooner! Duh!

People who loiter on or near crowded staircases

People who sneeze in public and particularly in enclosed spaces, without covering their mouths

People making that horrible grunting sound

Men who apparently think that every other man’s aim is so poor that they are unable to not piss on toilet seats


Educated ignorance


Money being valued higher than people

Ultra Conservativism

Religious Fundamentalism

People getting upset on behalf of others, who were not upset at all!

Men referring to women as objects

Women claiming that whereas men are swayed by looks, they are attracted to men based upon personality. Yeah right! Sign up for an Internet dating site and that myth gets blown right out of the water!


People hitting ‘Reply to All’ when a friend sends them and others who they don’t know, an email

The school of thought that always saying yes to your kids is being a good parent

The monsters those people raise


Tailgating in dangerous road conditions. People who do this should be instantly banned from driving

“I’m a glass half full person”. Used to be cute but is now annoying. The word is optimist!

“There’s a question mark over…..” If it is a written question, there should indeed be a question mark. The only times that the word ‘mark’ should follow the word ‘question’ when speaking, are when discussing punctuation or when asking Mark a question!

“There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” Oh yes there is!

People who change course and walk directly into my path and then apologise….. but they still stand there waiting for me to walk around them!

People who talk really loudly on their mobile phones when in an enclosed space

People who talk endlessly on their mobile phones when in an enclosed space

Men who sit in crowded spaces with their legs unnaturally widely open

People who insist on taking up two seats on a bus or train, even when there are people standing

Drivers who inch their cars into a crossing while people are on it and while they have a red light

Gas Guzzling monster cars and trucks – especially when only one person is in it

People who don’t acknowledge me when I hold a door open for them

Adults throwing their rubbish in the street while walking with their kids

People littering – especially when there is a receptacle nearby

People not recycling – especially when there is a recycling bin right by the regular one

People not washing their hands after going to the toilet – especially after having a crap.

I’m sure there are lots more. Please feel free to add some of yours in the comments.

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