Monday, June 16, 2008


Internet scammers should be jailed

I’m so lucky! I ‘won’ a different lottery in England a few weeks ago. The shame here is that if several people are running similar scams, not to mention the Nigeria scams and the impoverished women putting themselves through college, then obviously enough people fall for this nonsense to make it worthwhile for these criminals to try working their scam.

People! Wake up! Grow up! Microsoft doesn’t give you money for sending emails and these lowlifes will take your money, not give you any. Why should they? It is like expecting to win money at three-card Monty or the Pea game. There is an approximately 0% chance, give or take absolutely nothing, of you coming out on top. They make their living taking money from fools.

It didn’t take much research to find that there is no such address, but that isn’t surprising. Anyone stupid enough to fall for this would not take the time to write a letter, they would want their easy money NOW! Point 2: The first number listed is in the 0703 exchange – for international calls, the leading zero is removed. There is no 0703 exchange! And nobody is going to send a Fax. Clearly, they want you to email. Don’t!

Here is the email I received :

Msn Award Team
Baley House, Har Road
Sutton, Greater London
SM1 4te United Kingdom.
Batch: 12/25/0340Ref:MSN-L/200-26937

Dear Prize Winner

This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of five hundredthousand pounds(£500,000) for New Year Edition 2008 Lottery promotionwhich is organized by YAHOO LOTTERY INC & WINDOWS LIVE.YAHOO & MICROSOFTWINDOWS, collects all the email addresses of the people that areactive online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo andHotmail weonly select five people every Month as our winners through electronicballoting System without the winner applying,we congratulate you forbeing one of the people selected.


You are to contact your Claims Agent with immediate effect to faciliatethe protocol of your winning prized before the date ofClaim,Winners Shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement CentrePrize must be claimed not later than 15 days from date of Draw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won. Any prize not claimed withinthis period will be forfeited.These are your dentification numbers:

Batch number...................12/25/0340
Reff number.......................Ref:MSN-L/200-26937
Winning number...................YM09788

To begin your claim please contact our licensed and accredited agentassigned to you

Tel: +44-703-197-3147
Fax: +44 870 471 6651

You are therefore advised to send the following information to the claimsagent to facilitate them and in order for them to have access inproceeding with the tranaferred of your funds to your nominated bankaccount.

1. Full name............
2. Country..............
3. Contact Address........
4. Telephone Number.......
5. Marital Status.........
6. Occupation.............
7. Company..............
8. Age....................

Msn Lottery Prize must be claimed not later than 15 days from date of Draw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won. Any prizenot claimed within this period will be forfeited.

Congratulations!! once again.
Yours in service,
Mrs Pamela White(Operation Manager)

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