Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Last days in Boston. Part Three: Leaving Day

I spent a fair while pottering and posting on my favourite web site – COYS, which is a membership only site for ardent Spurs fans. If you need to ask what COYS stands for, you don’t qualify!

After Sean gave me an estimated time for his arrival, I packed my stuff slowly and got back onto COYS, hoping for news of the next big player signing for the team. After his arrival, we walked to Anna’s Taqueria, which Sean absolutely loves. It had started to rain, but I was again happy for the walk. I have to say, even though a couple of people found it amusing that Sean would just have to go to Anna’s, above anywhere else, it was that perfect combination of really nice and very cheap.

We go quite wet walking back, but I had to show Sean some of the buildings above the T on Beacon Street. The road is split level, for those who haven’t been there, and clearly, the top half is the wealthier and the nicer. A few minutes to load my stuff into his car and he was on his way back to Amherst. He was unable to take me to New York that day and I had to leave Saturday.

So one last journey on 5pm Lucky Star bus. It cost me $5.50 and the driver was decent, which makes a change. We drove through waves of rain, but even including the stop, made it in 4 hours. And before 10pm, I walked into my apartment in Brooklyn; the Boston adventure behind me. But I still hasn’t quite sunk in that I won’t be going back. I need a job!

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