Sunday, June 15, 2008


Thoughts of my Dad on Father's Day

My dad was a simple and unassuming man. Kids and animals would seek his company, even while others tried harder to win their affections. In his innocence, he saw only good in people, so people saw only good in him.

Although he was an under-achiever, he went to his grave feeling like a success, because he measured success in love, which is something that there were no limits of, either from him or to him.

Over 7 years on, I rejoice everything about this lovely, sweet man and will always feel so very privileged that of all of the people born in this world, I am one of only three who share the distinction of having him as a father.

I love you Dad and I always will.

This picture was taken at Niagara Falls in the early 90s. That's me and my kids in the background.

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I understand completely Andy.

Love Alan
The pictures are courtesy of my cousin Alan. Thanks Alan.

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